10 Secrets to a Perfect Garden!

gardening1Want a perfect garden this summer? Here are 10 of my secret tips to using kitchen waste and household items to make your garden grow, reach higher yields, have juicer fruits and vegetables and do it safely without the chemicals and pesticides!     1. Banana peels They are a mild fertilizer, so they won't burn plants. Great source of Potassium and can be used for roses and tomatoes.Use two peels per plant and place them one inch under the soil and about 6 inches from the stalk of the plant.      2. Egg shells They are a good source of calcium. They help produce larger yields for veggies and house plants. Make sure to boil or microwave the shells to prevent Salmonella and grind them or crush them into a powder and sprinkle into the soil.     3. Coffee Grounds- Also a mild fertilizer, high in nitrogen. They also produce large yields.      4. Seaweed- Used as a supplement, it helps keep plants green, stimulates root growth, and acts as a chelating agent.       5. Garlic- Because of its strong odor, placing 1 or 2 cloves into rose bushes will prevent aphids and other insects from eating your roses.6. Jell-O - Sprinkle Jell-O on seeds with a salt shaker to start them off disease free. Lemon flavor repels bugs. gelatin will help absorb water and sugar feeds organisms in the soil.        7.Beer- Kills snails and slugs, fill an old pie container or plastic with beer and 3 drops of vinegar and place near affected plants overnight, you're guaranteed to find these slimy suckers in the container first thing in the morning.8. Baking Potatoes - Planting a new tree? Line the newly dug hole with potatoes. They will hold moisture and provide the new tree with nutrients as they decay.9. Epsom Salts- They are a fast acting source of magnesium and sulfur. Also an excellent organic fertilizer. Add tablespoon into the ground before you plant your seedling.     10. Hydrogen Peroxide- It's a general fertilizer that controls mold and mildew and helps with sprouting seeds faster and stronger. Just dilute with water and you have your own cocktail perfect for your seeds, seedlings, and plants.Let me know if you try any of these this year for garden and let me know how it works out! Happy Gardening!


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