Homemade Garden Fresh Pizzas With the Kids

As families these days, it's harder and harder to find quality time together every week with all the sports, school functions, parties, traveling, and the constant to do list. Why not spend Friday nights at home with the kids and make homemade pizzas? They will love getting involved! It's fun, a healthy way to eat everyone's favorite food, plus you'll be spending time as a family, and the kids will learn how easy it is to make healthy and delicious meals. (Even if you don't have kids-invite friends over for a "pizza party" make your own, add your favorite toppings, and then share different slices to get an array of tastes and take home recipes we can all act like kids every once in a while. right?)

With fall right around the corner it's the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the grill as well. So, we made this pizza recipe perfect for the grill. A little secret my friend Debra just recently shared with me. (Make sure to check out her blog too. www.breathelighter.wordpress.com)

My family and I made a fun and not so perfect video on how to make these awesome grilled pizzas. My 3 year-old daughter had a blast, even after almost licking her fingers in the middle of it and if you hear a crunching noise, that's my 1 year-old smashing his veggie sticks into the high chair!

Remember you can add whatever you like to your pizzas, change-up your toppings, add fun ones like ricotta cheese, asparagus, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes or combine Brie, prosciutto, and figs-this one is so good! Just remember to have fun and spend time with those you care about most, doing something as simple as mangiare! (eating) Hope you enjoy our little video and recipe. Let me know how your pizzas turn out!


whole wheat pizza dough (frozen), home-made sauce (garlic, tomato paste,oregano, basil, salt, pepper, olive oil, red chilies), shiitake, Cremini, and Hen of the woods mushrooms, Zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, black olives, and fresh basil.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJIWfpC9L34]


Sundried Tomatoes-Make Your Own!


Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!