Live Authentically!
Why wait for next week or next month to live your dreams! Today is the perfect day to discover your passion or turn your fantasy into a reality. Maybe you’re ready or need a big change. It is such a cliché, but are you sick of running the rat race or being the hamster in the wheel? Why not make today, the day? Let go of your fears and whatever is holding you back from living your authentic life.As busy as we are these days, there doesn’t leave much time for ourselves. Between the house work, car pools, cooking, and for most of us, our jobs outside the home, it’s hard to believe we deserve anything more for ourselves.The hardest thing is believing you deserve everything you hope and aspire to do. Often the dreams seem so far out of reach and the sacrifices to get there feel unattainable. We often convince ourselves that we don’t have the time, we’re too busy, everyone else needs us, or we tell ourselves it will never happen. But if we continue to wake up everyday with that nagging ache that we’re missing something in life and our passions and dreams weigh heavy on our mind and soul, know your authentic life is screaming to be heard, waiting to be discovered, and waiting for you to take the chance.Allow yourself to believe you deserve and are worthy of your passions and dreams. You have to learn let go of the guilt, excuses, time constraints, being afraid, and everyone else’s needs, and put yourself first some times. Not to say stop being there for your families and run off to fulfill your wildest fantasies, but set aside some time for yourself everyday and know its okay to do so. Use your “me” time wisely to search your soul, dig deep into your heart, find your true passion, and chase your biggest dream.
Find inspiration. What speaks to you? What ignites your inner desires?Here are a couple of exercises to help you start your new journey in life. Use them to seek out what you truly love, need, and want for yourself. Boost your confidence: List your greatest accomplishments in life. They can be from any age throughout your life, such as getting the lead role in the fourth grade play to getting a standing ovation in the violin recital or winning the state championship in high school to graduating Summa Cum Laude from college. Clarify your vision: Write out your intentions or what you plan to do. What do you want out of your authentic life? Do you want to start that bookstore/coffee shop you’ve always wanted or open that unique clothing boutique? How about starting your own online company or small home business? Make your list as detailed as possible. The deeper you dig into your passion the easier it will be to fulfill them. Reward Yourself: List 10 things you’ve always wanted to do in your life. They can be anything your heart desires, but don’t spend hours on this exercise just jot down what first comes to mind. Need some ideas to get started? How about travel to Ireland, learn to play the piano or how to speak Italian, surf the North Shore, take a cooking class from an experienced chef, start a garden, or even just read the stack of books that have been piling up in your personal library. Put these desires or goals in the back of your mind as hopeful rewards for fulfilling your dreams. Make an Inspirational Vision Board or Journal: Take rewarding yourself to another level, get a large cork board or blank journal to view your aspirations. Fill up your vision board or journal with pictures taken from your personal life or cut outs from magazines, copy your favorite quotes and arrange them on your board or journal. They can be anything you love, gives hope, or inspires. Find things that truly motivate you, lights up your soul, and awakens your desires. Having a vision board or journal allows you to visualize your goals and make them more tangible. It also helps to recognize strengths and values, and connect to your inner self.Now, post your lists some where you’ll see them every day. Make copies and post them in multiple places! Tack them to the refrigerator, the mirror in the bathroom, center console of the car, inside the billfold of your wallet; any where you’re going to see them the most. Use them to drive, inspire, and remind you of the life you want for yourself. It’s never too late to follow your heart and chase after your dreams, whether you’re 21 or 85, there’s always time to want more for yourself and to live the “authentic life” you’ve always hoped for. Emily Dickinson was speaking of the ecstatic experience of her authentic life when she wrote these words, “What excites us or moves us to tears. What makes the blood rush to our heads, our hearts skip a beat, our knees shake, and our souls sigh.” Here's to digging deep!