Make Dried Arrangements With What's Left in Your Garden
Fall seems to be going as fast as it has come this year! The leaves are just starting to change here in Maryland and this is my favorite time of year. Even though we've had a few cold spells, it's been super warm and even in the 80's these last couple of days. It's the perfect time to finish up in the garden! (Especially with Hurricane Sandy headed our way!) Whether it's cleaning out weeds, breaking down tomato cages, laying down straw or a winter cover crop, even dead-heading your perennials and flowering trees.Now is the best time to grab those Hydrangeas still in color, cut the blooms, and store them so you'll have dried Hydrangeas for up to a year and color in your home throughout the winter. With the end of August came horrible storms with torrential down pours for the east coast, leaving ruined gardens and major flooding. ( See my old post on "How to Start a Container Garden" with pictures on the gardening damage I received this year) :(It took me a good 2 weeks to just get back to my garden due to the debris and high
water levels so in the mean time my Okra went crazy and if you've ever had Okra that has grown too large, it's too tough and woody to eat! (Which can totally happen in a day!) So, instead of composting it I decided to dry it this year for fall arrangements! Check out my video with my daughter Lyla who loves getting in the dirt as much as I do. We'll show you how to dry your Hydrangeas and Okra from your garden to make arrangements for the upcoming seasons and year!