Vitamins & Supplements...Which Ones Do You Really Need.

DSC_5824Is opening your medicine or supplement cabinet a hazard to your health? Do you carefully open the door hoping all the bottles don't come spilling out across the counter? Sick of taking all those supplements everyday,or maybe you've become a victim to Dr. Oz's recommendations and found yourself rushing out to buy everything he suggests on his show? There's a simpler way to cut back on your supplements, while cleaning out your cabinet, and save you tons of money all at the same time!Supplements are just that...supplementing something you're not getting. Meaning if you're missing something in your diet like meat, dairy, you have a chronic illness or deficiency then yes you should be supplementing. But we're all stocking up on every supplement out there to make sure we're getting enough Vitamin A, C, D, and E, iron, zinc, and calcium. Which by the way, calcium doesn't get absorbed without magnesium or vitamin D, and you have to absorb Vitamin D through unexposed skin (meaning no sunscreen) or through your unexposed eyes (no sunglasses) to absorb the calcium that has to be absorbed through your blood before your bones get any of the benefits Really think that calcium pill is still doing everything you think it should?So what's the answer? Eat your vitamins and supplement what you're not getting in your diet. How do you do that? By changing your diet and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. There are some of us out there that choose different lifestyles and supplementing is a must. So how do you know what you should supplement? Assess the way you and your family eat. Research what's best for you, and if there is a deficiency or illness take that into account. But the first thing is figure out what you're missing in your diet and go from there. You really don't need to be taking 20 supplements a day because you're not eating enough fiber. Here's 4 supplements you should be taking on a daily basis, especially if you're lacking any of these on a daily basis.Fish Oil/Omegas- These are essential fatty acids, meaning the body doesn't make this nutrient so it has to be consumed in our foods. Omegas are anti-inflammatories, they reduce inflammation to protect against cancers and joint pain. And they are great for a healthy heart and mind. Find omegas in fish like salmon, eggs, and flax seeds. If you do supplement make sure to store them in the refrigerator and read the label you want small fish in the ingredients such as sardines and menhaden. Larger fish are high in Mercury and can poison the body.CoQ10-  An enzyme produced in the liver, it provides almost all our body's energy, and at 30 production begins to decrease. It is high in antioxidants and repairs our cells to also help fight heart disease and cancers. Find CoQ10 in beef, poultry, fish, nuts, and broccoli.Probiotics- Probiotics are essential for good digestion and a healthy immune system. They help fight off disease, illness, and help keep the body balanced for over all health. You can eat your probiotics by consuming yogurt, Kefir, Tempeh, dark chocolate, and Kombucha tea.Fiber- This one is a big one for us, especially Americans. We don't like to eat green things for some reason and of course we like our white bread, which only wreaks more havoc on our digestive system. Fiber keeps us regular, maintains healthy digestion, prevents colon cancer, helps with weight loss, and makes us feeling fuller. So instead of taking Metamucil or Fiber Choice, up your kale, collards, spinach, whole grains, sprouted breads, and beans.Simple and easy ways to get your health back on track, save some money, and start taking care of yourself. Get rid of the mind-set that "a pill is the quick fix." Eat your way to better health, a smaller waist line, and fewer trips to the doctor's office.


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