Mixed Greens & Edible Flowers with Chive Blossom Dressing

www.nextwavesttudios.comSick of the same ole salad?? Change it up this week for healthy eating week! Make your own salad dressings! Cut back on fat and calories, save money, and change it up for different flavors every time. Try my new salad and learn how to make my chive blossom dressing recipe!Mixed Greens & Edible Flowers with Chive Blossom DressingSalad

  •  1 cup Arugula
  •  1 cup Bibb lettuce
  •  1 cup micro greens
  •  1/8 cup Nasturtiums
  •  1/8 cup Pansies or Marigolds
  •  2 ounces of goat cheese (Optional- adds more taste and depth to the salad)

Chop Bibb lettuce. Place Bibb, Arugula, and micro greens on separate plates. Top with edible flowers and goat cheese if you wish. Pour chive blossom dressing on top.Chive Blossom Dressing

  •  1 ½ cups chive blossomswww.nextwavestudios.com
  •  2 ½ cups white vinegar

In a Mason jar, fill ¾ of the way with chive blossoms. Fill the jar with white vinegar. Store in a cool, dark place for up to two weeks. The vinegar will change to a light pink color. Drain out the liquid and compost remaining flowers.  


Celebrate Food Revolution Day This Friday!


Celebrate Healthy Eating Week