Guinness Blackberry Dipping Sauce

guinessSundays are my day to play in the kitchen. I tend to have Food Network on in the background. The little ones running around having pretend tea parties, hiding Easter eggs, or watching "Narnia" for the 100th time! ;)I use this time as "my time" which I don't get much of these days with a busy business and two crazies taking over the house. :) I know most people would watch their favorite show, take a nap, or read a book for down time. But I don't sit still well so I'm happiest in the kitchen and this cold snowy winter has been a good one to experiment and create new recipes. Last weekend, the 6-pack  of Guinness continued to stare at me from the refrigerator and all I could think of was, "great we're having boring chicken for dinner again!" So hence the new dipping sauce that my kids are now eating with a spoon! Hope you enjoy this one as much as we are!Ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of Guinness Draught
  • 1 1/4 cup fresh blackberries
  • 4 oz organic tomato paste
  • 2 Tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 dried Bay leaf
  • Honey (optional-if you want it to be sweeter. I left it out)

Directions:Pulse blackberries, balsamic vinegar, tomato paste, and salt in a food processor until pureed. Make sure to scrap down the sides. Heat Guinness in pan over medium to high heat for about 25 minutes. Don't forget to whisk it now and again, otherwise it will stick to the bottom.  It should reduce down by 2/3. Add in blackberry puree. Whisk together and add bay leave. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt, discard bay leaf. Spoon into a jar and refrigerate. 


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