3 Things to Do for Your Health in 2020

3 Things You Can Do for You Health in 2020

Canyou believe we are already into the second week of the new decade! How are youfeeling? Still staying on track to make this the best year yet? Sometimes wetend to use the New Year as the fresh start or the new beginning we’ve all beenwaiting for. In reality, it’s a great mindset and it is a great jumping offpoint to start taking care of the things that really mean the most to you.

Unfortunatelywe tend to take on a lot all at once and it tends to lead to failure or justplain giving up. I am in the same boat with you! I seriously will set anywherefrom 20-30 goals for the year and just typing this makes me feel overwhelmed. Soof course trying to tackle them all at once is definitely going to feel like they’reall un-accomplishable.

Sothis year, I really defined the things I wanted to succeed most in. I broke mybig goals/dreams into baby steps. It’s those small steps that lead to the bigresults, like I tell my clients all the time. It can be in every aspect of yourlife and what you want to accomplish in this year, decade, or in your lifetime.

Andmake sure to check in with yourself! I check in with myself every day! I writedown my top 10 goals so I can visualize them and continue to move forwardtowards the bigger goal.

Health and wellness is usually at the top of everyone’s list. It can be to lose weight, eat better, sleep more, get in shape. I am guaranteeing there is something with your health on your resolutions for this year. Health and wellness is also the one goal I feel can tend to be the hardest, the slowest results, the one that takes patience and time and the one we tend to give up on the quickest. So here is a three simple things you can do for your health to start moving forward and see results.

Three Things to do for Your Health

  1. Find Movement for 30 Minutes Every Day- I know some days this canfeel like a major task. Some days it will take all your energy just to find thetime or the motivation to get you moving. Do what makes you feel good! Not whatyou think you should be doing. Most people have a love/hate relationship withexercising.
    1. Morning is the best timeto find movement, you’ll stay more focused and motivated. It will give youenergy throughout the day and you’re less likely to bail on it.
    1. Chose movement you like.Go for a walk, do yard or housework, take a cycling class, do yoga with YouTubein your hotel room, dance to your favorite songs while everyone is out for theday, sign up for a group class at your community center, the possibilities areendless! Just find 30 minutes to move your body.
  2. Drink More Water-  I know you hear this one over and over, year inand year out. But it’s true! You should drink half your body weight in water aday. I have to drink almost 10 a day! Sometimes I wonder if I can even get halfof that down but here’s a couple tricks.
    1. Drink an 8 oz glass assoon as you wake up. It starts your digestion off right and you’re on your wayfor the day.
    1. Drink warm water withlemon first thing before you eat. It works the same way as above plus it helpswith dehydration also!
    1. Add berries, cucumbers, citrus,or herbs to your water to change it up a little so it doesn’t get so monotonousand the change in flavor will help you drink more often.
    1. Get a large glass like a24 oz glass. Think about it. There’s 3 glasses in that 24 oz glass! You’ll bewell on your way after getting one down!
    1. Grab a straw! The newbamboo or stainless straws are the best. I drink a lot more and faster with astraw so I always  have one in my glass.
  3. Pick One Thing in YourDiet to Change- Everyonetries to diet or detox or exclude a bunch of things at once. It’s not easy togo cold turkey or to cut it all out at once. I always tell my clients to pickone thing that you know if affecting your health and start there. So let’s say youknow dairy makes your belly bloated and hurt sometimes and maybe you can seeyour skin flare up or the scale fluctuate a lot more when you consume a lot ofdairy. Try cutting it for a week and see how you feel, see how your skin is orhow your belly feels. In a week or two add something else. Cut back your meatintake, go gluten free, add in more vegetables at dinner, etc.

Slowly make changes to your diet and lifestyle andyou’ll see the biggest results! It’s the small steps the push you forward to continueto accomplish the goals you set out to accomplish. Changing everything at oncewill overwhelm you and it’s easier to give up.

Cheers to 2020! Here’s to getting healthier and accomplishing everything we want this decade one step at a time! Want some more information to keep you motivated? Check out this post to help you discover your wellness journey.



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