Finding Your Rhythm Again

Hi! I'm finally back! It's crazy how quickly time passes us. Things we let take over our life except for the things that really mean the most. We let life take over, things that may not be a priority like a messy house, listening to someone's views of ourselves or what they think we should be doing with our lives, thinking some friends are truly the best people that should be in our lives because they have been there for so long and we know no difference.2020 gave us all a firm shaking, wake up call, what we were missing, what we needed, how to adapt and how to change it all. It was not pretty, it has heart wrenching, it was a wake up call to all the things we needed, wanted and had in our life's. At that moment we were forced to embrace it. Our families, our businesses, our health, our passions, our dreams and hopes... all put into perspective and we were left to sift and weed through it all. Technically alone because in our life time a pandemic has never really happened and we were left spinning and wondering when normalcy would return, if we'd all be safe, how would we survive all of this?We got out of rhythm, we got out of sync, we lost our direction and were sent in one that was either better for us or one that sent us spiraling in to complete mental, emotional, physical, spiritual chaos.It's been almost a year since I posted last. I let life take over one of the most precious things for me. Writing! It's the one thing that keeps me grounded and connected. It's the one thing I always go back to when someone turns their back on you or friends stop calling. It's the one thing when you never get a breather from children being out of school for a year and a business that is open and closed and open and closed again. It's my person when I need someone to listen and it's always the thing that gets pushed to last thing of the day, when there is no time or energy left. When all I have left is an empty brain, filled with nothing except "I need to finish the laundry and the bathrooms still need to be cleaned."

How do you find your rhythm again?

  1. You gota dig deep out of the trenches of mess and find what means the most.
  2. You have to figure out who are the people that are there for you. The ones that call and check in. The ones that tell you they've got your back. The ones that offer help when you're losing your mind. The ones that are on your pandemic team of hell!
  3. You start putting yourself first! You cut out the mess that is not working. You rework your plan and envision what will get you to the level you've always desired.
  4. You get rid of the BS and put what matters first!
  5. You do the ugly work! The tears, the anger, the purging, the nitty gritty of pain and the suffering and you put yourself first.
  6. When you're tired, when you're ready to give up, when you're exhausted, when you're done, fed up and nothing left. You DO YOU! Everything you need you do! Self care, sleep more, drink less caffeine, find movement, get outside, breathe, meditate, tell someone good bye and don't look back!
  7. Then you don't look back! You don't second guess your decisions! You don't apologize for what you decided. And you embrace the present!

That's how you get your rhythm back!

No more regrets! No more second and third or fifty chances for YOURSELF! No more excuses! Just all the decisions you knew in your heart of hearts you decided and know are completely right even when that one person refuses to except it!

Time is the one thing we never get back.

I don't know about you but I am over losing and wasting anymore of it! Here's to doing the bigger things, letting go of toxicity and never holding ourselves back anymore! Cheers to an unforgettable 2021 whatever it may bring. May we be stronger, healthier, smarter, calmer and find our rhythm again! 


Manifesting & Meditation


Reflecting on 2020- Finding the Silver Lining