Today is the Day!

2014-09-16 05.53.30Well... Today is it!I've decided to start my own mini Pilates adventure and start "Pilates on the Beach" here in Ocean City, Maryland. A minor hiccup with losing my inital place to hold classes made me back pedal for a day or so but it opened the door to even more opportunities! So things happen for a reason right?I'm so excited to start my new little journey! And it's one more reason to look forward to summer. I decided to make 2012 the year of new possibilites and to go for everything I've ever wanted.and dreamed of. I've spent alot of time worrying about what other people think of me and way too much time trying to make everyone else happy. It's only taken me 30+ years and two little ones to figure out that life's too short and you have to embrace the day and your own life. You may never get the opportunity again and then all you're left with is regret. We all have way too many of those for a lifetime as it is.So, I'm off to take on the world, with my family and closest friends there to support me. There's no looking back, only looking into the future. There are endless possibilities if we can only get past the initial fear of failing. But as the old saying goes "you can't fail unless you try." I'm following my heart and my inner most passions, it's going to be a crazy and unforgettable ride... I can't wait!"Find your heart and then you will find your way." Carlos Barrios


Valentine's Day!


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