6 Ways to Stay On Your Diet!

With bathing suit season right around the corner, we're all trying to tone up and lose those last extra pounds, but with the warming weather comes cookouts and happy hours filled with yummy cocktails bound to derail your will power and hard work. Here are 6 ways to make sure you stay on your diet and keep you focused on your goals.

  1. The 90-10 Diet- It means 90% of your diet is full of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts, seeds, legumes, and dairy. While the other 10% is everyone's favorite, the "moderation" part. These are the foods you love, the desserts, alcohol, and comfort foods! The old saying "everything in moderation" is the way to go. If you cut everything out of your diet that you love it's bound to fail so just enjoy your favorites some times. You'll probably enjoy them even more!
  2. Drink lots of water- The more water you put into your body the fuller and healthier you will be and feel. Shoot for 8-10 glasses a day. It seems like a lot especially if you don't normally drink water but it's guaranteed to curb your appetite and your less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Try cucumber, lemons, mint, or fresh berries to flavor your water if you need that little bit of extra incentive and taste.
  3. Keep Active- The more you stay active the less you"ll feel you need to eat. Exercising boosts your endorphins, energy level, and your self-confidence. You'll think twice about grabbing that hamburger from the fast food joint and reach for the salad topped with grilled chicken. You've done all the hard work why wipe it out on some thing that's NOT going give you any nutritional value or benefit.
  4. Crowd Out- Start crowding out the not so good foods. If you're a heavy soda drinker, and drinking multiple sodas a day, strive for 1 a day and slowly ween yourself off of them. Crowd out heavy fatty meats, fatty and sugary snacks, and processed foods.
  5. Add In- Adding in goes hand in hand with crowding out. As you crowd out the unhealthy foods, add in the good stuff, like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and cheeses and whole grains. Try new foods like Quinoa, Wheat berries, Tempeh, and Smoked Salmon. You're bound to like some thing new, you never know you might love them all!
  6. Snack More- Snack more often but with healthier options. Eat every 2-3 hours, snacking more keeps your metabolism boosted, helps you stay fuller so you'll be less likely to binge because you're famished. Snack on dried fruits, seeds and nuts, humus and vegetables, fruit, and roasted seaweed.

Hope these ideas keep you focused and on track to the new you!


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