Try Companion Gardening!
Not enough room for a big garden? Try companion gardening! Have you always wanted to have your own garden but you just don't have the room in your yard? Why not try companion gardening? I can be done in a small plot in your backyard or you can even do it in pots or containers. Or... have you tried to grow some vegetables and can't figure out why they just wouldn't grow or fruit? Some plants won't grow if they're placed near other plants that so to speak don't get along.Growing plants close to each other help fights disease, pests, and allows for more space. It also helps save money, time, allows you to eat healthier, and the whole family can get involved. Here is a list of compatible and incompatible vegetables. Hopefully they will help you have a successful garden and a bountiful harvest this summer while saving you some space and time in the garden.10 Most Compatible Companion Plants for Vegetables:
- Beans really like to be with carrots,cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, and marigolds.
- Broccoli loves celery,camomile, dill, and rosemary.
- Carrots love bush and pole beans, lettuce, onions, radishes, peas, and tomatoes.
- Cucumbers grow well with beans, celery, lettuce, peas, and radish.
- Eggplants like beans, potatoes, and spinach.
- Lettuce is a great companion with strawberries and carrots.
- Melons love corn and radishes.
- Onions love broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, lettuce, and tomatoes.
- Tomatoes grow well with asparagus, celery, carrots, parsley, basil, and marigolds.
- Zucchini love Nasturtiums.
10 Most Incompatible Companion Plants for Vegetables:
- Garlic and onions will stunt the growth of peas and beans.
- Potatoes and beans grow poorly with sunflowers.
- Cabbage and cauliflower do not like each other.
- Pumpkins will not grow with potatoes.
- Corn and tomatoes will not grow in the other's presence.
- Beans do not like chives, leeks, and garlic.
- Asparagus dislike onions, garlic, and potatoes.
- Beets dislike pole beans.
- Cabbage will not grow with tomatoes or strawberries.
- Brussel sprouts will not grow along side strawberries or radishes.
Companion Gardening may require a little extra time when planning your garden but the end results will save you space, time, money, and frustration. Happy Gardening!