How to Find Time for You!

Finding Time for Yourself

Oh man is this not the question of the century and I can tell you I have not mastered this thing at all, but I know that when I don't have time for self-care, for the things I am passionate about, or even just quiet time to read a book, it leaves me spinning. Ask any of my girl friends they'll tell ya, they know when exactly I've taken on too much, if I am in my high season at the Pilates studio, if I've over booked cooking events, book signings, and tons and tons of kids activities. So how do we find quality time for ourselves? Key word being quality time. The time that you really feel you got some peace and clearing of the massive brain clutter, that you actually heard yourself exhale and relax.

As a mom of three, a studio owner, an entrepreneur, in the midst of growing
a second business, a writer, and all the other titles that come along with
running a house hold and making sure no one goes hungry, I am always last on
the bottom of the to do list. Usually by the time I get to me it's 10 pm and I
still need to shower, plan the next day and probably get into bed to get up by
5:00 am to go teach.

Life is always a balancing act and I know it's harder for women to find that
equal parts of busy and down time. This week caught up with me and I had to
look and see why I felt like I was spinning like a top. Summer is my hardest
time to find me time. The Pilates studio consumes 9+ hours a day most weeks
from May through October. So I really have to make myself do the things that
bring me a sense of well-being and balance.

These are the things I try to carve out for myself to keep a routine and make sure I
really put my needs as a priority.

  1. Journaling- I try to write something everyday. I try to track my progress of my goals and staying on task. I write out my dreams and 5 things I am grateful for every day. I will do a
    journal entry if I need to really vent and I will also write to begin a
    project or anything that may have inspired me.
  2. Self-Care- Sometimes it's a face mask, a good book, a cup of tea and the sound of sleeping children. Sometimes it's shaving my legs. ;) I really try to do this on Sunday nights. I seem to
    have a little more time on Sundays-possibly less rushing around like the
    rest of the week. Self-care can also be sitting on the beach watching the
    waves roll in. It could be making a smoothie and finding a quiet place to
    enjoy it. It could also be going to bed early and getting a good nights’
    rest. I really just do what I can with the amount of time I have.
  3. Schedule it out-I have to schedule in my workouts, self-care and time for things I want to focus
    on personally, like writing or learning a new skill
  4. Get a Life Coach- I swear they will be your new best friend. My husband knows when I haven’t
    talked to mine in a couple of weeks. I must start looking like the
    exorcist when it’s been too long, because he always asks when the last
    time I had a session. (If you’re looking for a life coach and need some
    suggestions-send me an email I all send you her info!) She is totally my
    life saver and puts things back into perspective for me and makes me slow
    down and regain my vision and focus. Really she saves me all the time.
    Wouldn’t trade her for the world!
  5. Establish a routine- This one is hard for me because my schedule changes so much as the seasons change. I have more down time in the winter and spring. Summer and fall-I
    really struggle with this. Figure out what time of day you are at your
    best. Most people say morning, that’s when I am most productive, but I don’t
    have mornings in the summer unless it’s 3 am that I am getting up and
    putting myself first. Honestly I’d rather be sleeping so I shift my
    routine around for my busy season. I’ll usually find an hour mid-
    afternoon or late evening after the house is quiet again. Winter time I am
    usually more stationary and am able to find morning time once the kids
    head off to school.

The world is moving faster than we can as humans and businesses, families,
relationships, goals, dreams, to do lists and social media make it all seem to
go even faster. Really if we don’t find time for ourselves first, we can’t give
much to everyone else in are lives. I have to remind myself of that often and
really be present about putting my needs before others. Not always the easiest,
but these 5 things help me a lot to really focus on them and help me find a way
to incorporate time into my busy life.


Leave me a comment and let me know if you try any of these options and if you find it really helped you find time for yourself!



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