It's Garden Time!!
It's almost that time again! Starting my garden is one of my favorite times of year! It's a sign that spring is coming and we all know that means better weather! In the MidAtlantic, St. Patty's is the official date you can start planting cool weather veggies like lettuces, radish, carrots, peas, turnips, cabbage, kale, and herbs like rosemary, oregano, and sage.If you've had time to start sowing seeds you are ahead of the game. If you want to try to grow summer veg from seeds jump on it this week! They usually need 7-8 weeks of growth before getting them in the ground so that will take you right to about Mother's Day weekend. Then we're also out of the frost warnings and having to run outside and cover everything up every night with dropping temperatures!Last year was the year of the "Victory Garden." We were all home with shutdowns just about this time and had more time to be home and in the yard. Who is planning on starting or having another garden this year? Thinking of different things to grow or maybe it's overwhelming to start one? I am going to include a couple links at the end of this post to help guide you where you need to be depending on what level of gardener you are.
How I started:

I started gardening when I was little. My mom and dad had one and we grew all kinds of things for a couple of years and then as my brothers and I got older, sports and friends took over and it was too much for my parents to keep up on. After college, I lived in Annapolis and in apartments that didn't get much sun. I always wished I had space to grow things, so when I moved back home (to the beach area) in 2005 and we bought a house with some yard, I took over!Ask my husband! We barely have any grass left to cut. I have made the back, sides and front yard into complete garden space so I can grow everything I want, my kids get involved and even had a little produce stand last summer and honestly it's the only place my mind quiets. I can be in the hot sun and gardening all day with out a care in the world! After the last year I know how healing, comforting and stress reducing gardening can be, so if you're pondering one for 2021, without hesitation DO IT!! And how can you beat fresh veggies from your own yard!
- Think about what you want to grow-it's best to grow the things you love to eat.
- Start small if you're just starting out, if you're a pro-think bigger and exotic.
- Make it your own space. Get ideas from magazine but don't think you need to have it look like a garden in Southern Living Magazine. Hell we all want those but most times we all don't have the time, space or resources.
- Remember it's your garden also, don't worry about the neighbors' spaces. Some of the cutest spaces I have ever seen are small and only use pots. Work with what you've got!
- Cut corners by buying established plants. Seeds can be frustrating sometimes and I know a lot of people tend to give up on this step. Save it for a year you have plenty of time to play or try seeds for the fall again.
- Don't beat yourselves up if things don't work. It's really trial and error to see how things grow in your space and area. And believe me as a Master Gardener things die on me all the time!
Easiest things to grow are...
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Lettuces
- Herbs
- Cucumbers
- Beans
- Squash
- Onions- from sets
- Garlic-from bulbs
Summer Gardening: Basics and Starting an Outdoor Pantry- Listen to the Inspire & Thrive Podcast for all this incredible information.
Gardening: How to Start a Garden in 5 Simple Steps- Listen On the Inspire & Thrive Podcast!
Grow Your Own Organic Garden
Get Your Garden On