Embracing Your Authentic Self
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Embracing Your Authentic Self | 5 Ways of How to Embrace Your Authenticity
Remember when you were little and you did everything to fit in and NOT be different? It's probably established a mindset for you as you grew up and now it's set patterns into your adulthood where you still feel like you have to alter your true self to be a part of a community and the world.In today's episode we discuss the 5 ways of how to embrace your authenticity and how to dare yourself to be different in a world that has never really liked uniqueness. Focus on the things that will change your mindset and really dig in to finding the real YOU!Notes: Connect with Kelly on Instagram @
kellyrobertswellnesswebsite: kellyrobertswellness.com

About Kelly Roberts
Kelly Roberts is an author, Healthy Living Advocate, Certified Pilates Instructor, Certified Raw Chef, and Certified Master Gardener. She is the owner and CEO of Beach Pilates and Wellness and Kelly Roberts Wellness. She is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and received her training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City. She educates and teaches her clients and the community the life changing benefits of nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. When Kelly is not running her businesses, she’s at home chasing her three little ones, gardening, cooking and writing.