Finding Clarity

Finding Clarity in the First Snow!

2019 is upon us and this year it seems to be the year of "YOU." Throwing out the awful resolution lists and really digging deeper into personal goals, focusing on self care, and letting go of the guilt, resentment and sizing ourselves up in comparison to the unrealistic world that plagues our minds daily and finding clarity in what really matters most.

Believe me I am there with you! 2019 is definitely the year for "ME." A lot of work is to be done to finally let go of the guilt and make changes for myself. Even as a health and wellness guru, I to need guidance and insight into my behaviors, habits, and goals just like everyone else in the world looking for the knowledge, inspiration and support from specialist, friends and family.

I started off 2019 not like I had planned. A lot of big goals, I want to accomplish. Actually my list is pretty ridiculous, it's physically impossible for me to complete them all as a mother of 3, and now also a puppy, run a house hold, teach, coach, build an online business, and keep the Pilates studio in full force. So, I started off the year, behind (in my mind) on my organization and goal planning, overwhelmed to the point of anxiety and unable to focus. So I wanted to share some things that have worked for me in the last week that have been a swift kick in the you know what and got me up and working at 4:45 am this morning without thinking twice about the time.

Sometimes it's hard to really narrow down and focus on what it is you truly want to change. There could be many things... health and wellness goals, learning something new, letting go of bad habits, facing fears, coming out of comfort zones, bettering finances, healing relationships, quieting in the mind. (That last one is a good one for me!)

As we dig deeper into the second week of January. I know a lot people are still really inspired and sticking to what they've set out to do this year. A lot of people have also stumbled, maybe fallen off the wagon, and some of you may have even given up. Don't lose hope, everyday is a new day to start again. Leave the past behind and stay in the present. Here are a few ideas to help you along the way. Leave a comment below and let us know if you try any of these and if they helped in any way!

Ideas to Help You Along the Way

  • Breakdown your goals- Really narrow down specifically what you want to accomplish. Lose 20 pounds and 10 inches instead of just lose weight. Save $10,000 this year instead of just save money. Really break them down so you have a real goal to reach for it. Do it for every single one!
  • Find someone to help or support you- Everyone needs a friend or a coach to help with some aspect of your life. I got myself a mentor and a life coach! Scary at first but saw results in less than 24 hours.
  • Put yourself first- this is the hardest for me. I am a pleaser and a perfectionist so I always put myself last. Now I'm teaching myself that I have to really say NO to a lot (which I never say no) and let go of feeling guilty. It's hard to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first. Believe me I know first hand that your health and relationships are the first things to start crumbling.
  • Be Present- Letting go of the past and not looking into the future with every decision is tough. Being present and realizing what you have at this moment, in this 24 hour period is what matters most. Life passes by so quick we never enjoy the now.
  • Find Clarity. It can be in a book, in nature, while you're working out. Search for clarity, where ever you can find it. Waking up Monday morning to a blanket of white hanging from the trees was enough for me to stop and soak it all in. A fabulous coach that I follow, put out in to the universe to go to bed an hour later or get up an hour earlier and make that your hour to do YOU, was the best advice I've heard in a very long time. She's completely right. Find at least an hour for yourself no matter how hectic or crazy life is. Your soul depends on it.
  • Gratitude- Be grateful everyday. I started a gratitude journal over a year ago. Every night before I go to bed I write down 5 things that I am grateful for. Some days are rough and you're exhausted and you write down,"my health, my family, etc." But most days you can really find the small and beautiful things that you may have over looked in the busyness of life.


Spiced Turmeric Latte


Bourbon, Cherry Chocolate Bark