Celebrating 7 Years Of My Novel!

The Road to Chianti
The Road to Chianti

I was out to dinner with my girl friends a couple nights ago and my friend Ally asked when my next novel was coming out. I laughed out loud, between 2 businesses, 3 kids, a new puppy and a husband as big as an entrepreneur as I am, I often wonder if there will ever be another novel, like "The Road to Chianti."

Honestly, there is one started. I think may be 5 pages, but the plot and idea are there for the day when I think I can start to really have time to write creatively again. But then today working on a new project, I stumbled across an old picture from a photo shoot, when the novel had just been published and I when was so excited to get it out into the world for others to read. I think the universe is trying to tell me to start writing again! ;)

So I thought, how many years has it been since "The Road to Chianti" came out? 7 years ago this coming fall, I came home to 15 boxes of books stacked on the front porch. It was one to the best feelings in my life to be able to hold something that I've created. It has been one of my biggest dreams since I was a little girl.

So in honor of it being 7 years, I'm celebrating by giving away 3 signed copies!! All you have to do is find us on Instagram @kellyrobertswellness. Follow us and tag 2 friends you think would enjoy the book! We'll announce the winners next Friday afternoon! Good Luck! I can't wait to see who wins!!! If you can't wait that long and you need a copy like now, you can grab one on our website in the shop at www.kellyhughesroberts.net or you can also grab one or the Kindle version on Amazon!


Sesame Miso Spelt Noodle Bowl


Fostering Gratitude!