Fostering Gratitude!
By now we all know what gratitude is and most of us probably have a journal started or some way of reevaluating the day and acknowledging what we're grateful for. It puts our daily lives into perspective and actually fosters gratitude.
If you haven't started a gratitude journal yet I promise it is the best gift you can give yourself every day. Winter can be tough on the mind and the soul. Frigid dark days, howling windy nights and a lot more time spent indoors. Maybe that's the gift of winter. A time to be grateful for quieter times, a time to rest and refocus, and rejuvenation of the mind, body and spirit.
Learning to recognize, accept, cultivate and believe that we deserve the gifts we're given on a daily basis is a practice. (I have the hardest time with this skill.) Again it goes back to being present and in the moment. Not always easiest for any of us!
This winter I am fostering gratitude and focusing on the small things that make life worth living and letting go of the guilt of what I haven't achieved. It's the days with a new puppy always greeting me at the door with a wagging tail, a studio full of incredible clients, a cup of tea and bare feet, a messy house full of loud little people, big dreams written on the back of a door, the new project that lights fire under your butt, and the thing you're going to celebrate with once you accomplish that enormous dream you've set out to achieve.
Some helpful Ideas to Foster Gratitude:
- Be Present: When we're distracted, overwhelmed or preoccupied, we are less capable of receiving a gift whether it's a tangible gift or something offered to us through nature, love, or inspiration. When you're feeling this way, it's easy to miss the small things like a unforgettable sunset, a loving gesture, even a compliment, or watching your puppy chase the one crazy leaf spinning in the wind.
- Avoid Judgement: How many times do we judge in a days time? I'm guilty of it! Even judging ourselves, feeling that we're not worthy of the gift given to us or it's not the right fit for what we believe for ourselves.
- Open yourself up: Find a practice that leaves you feeling good about yourself, open minded to new and different things. Have grace and love in everything you do in a days time. A practice could be anything- journaling, meditation, fitness, a walk, quiet time alone, sitting on the beach. Anything that makes you open to receive love, gratitude and positive energy and insight to your surroundings.
Need more guidance? Check out our other posts on how to "Find Clarity."
Or learn "How to conquer your fears."
Let us know if you try any of these ideas to foster gratitude! Or if you have other ideas to share that may help someone else reading we would love to hear from you too!