Continuing Your Wellness Journey

Discovering your wellness journey
Continuing Your Wellness Journey

It’s the beginningof the year, hell we have a brand new decade started and I am sure you arescrolling through Insta and Facebook and seeing all the things that people aredoing right now. HITT classes, new diets, juicing, dry January, Peloton,hitting the gyms, drinking massive amounts of water or coffee whichever purgeyou would prefer. ;)

It always startsthis way when we feel like we have a new beginning and the new year is theperfect time for a refocus, regroup, or renew… But I even know if I get caughtscrolling and I see all the things people are doing out there I am completelyoverwhelmed and I am supposed to be a guru in all things health and wellness! SometimesI will even doubt the things I have chosen for myself because I am not seeingthe results I thought I would quickly enough or if I am just still completelyexhausted when I wake up every morning! What gives?? Anyone else having a hardtime waking up in the mornings lately?? (ME!!!)

So back to continuing your wellness journey…. Your journey should be about YOU! And YOU only! Not comparing, wondering if you chose the right path or even creating self-doubt or overwhelm for yourself. Your health and wellness is designed for you. So something that is working for another person may not work for you even if you kill yourself trying in the meantime.

Here’s an example.I was talking to one of my nutrition clients yesterday and she feels like she’shit a slump, she can’t get motivated, she’s not doing the things she’s beendoing for herself and seeing the results since October! She has allowed anemotional and verbal trigger to stop her progress right in her tracks so wespent her session working on what we could start back up again. One thing shecould cut out to reboot her system. I said start with dairy maybe. Her responsewas dairy works for her! Perfect she knows what’s working. On the other hand.Dairy is the first thing I cut out this year because I know what it does to myskin and my joints. Dairy is one of the biggest triggers of inflammation andskin flare ups for me. So what works for her is obviously not working for me.

Your wellness as ajourney should be things that motivate you, move you to exercise, make you feelgood and happy as you are doing them so you will embrace your wellness insteadof feeling dread and angsts. Choose one or two things to start. Trying tochange too many things at once will leave you overwhelmed and ready to quit.Once you tackle the one or two small goals, work to the next one you want toachieve.

Here is a breakdown of  wellness and some of the things you can work towards and focus on for complete wellness! A lot of these cross over into the other categories so look for things that will help you accomplish your goals more quickly. It will motivate you even more and boost your confidence at the same time! Win! Win!


  1. Emotional- Managing your anxiety and stress levels, boost your mood,release chemicals and toxins from the body, have good relationships, read for inspiration,listen to music you love, sleep more, reduce caffeine intake, find a therapist,ask for advice, get out in nature.
  2. Physical Body/Movement- move your body every day at least 30minutes, find exercise you love that will motivate you, change it up-try newthings or classes, manage pain if you need to, see a physical therapist or doctorif it’s becoming hard to live with, get a massage, sleep an extra hour, eat well,choose energy fueling foods, drink more water, reduce caffeine, learn tomeditate, do self-care, rest and relax.
  3. Mental- set goals, chase dreams, journal, relax, learn to rest, trymeditation, get outside, dig in the dirt, lay in the sun, breathe, sit by theocean to listen to the waves, join a support group, find a therapist, talk to afriend, go on vacation.
  4. Social- find connection, build community, heal relationships, findgreat friends, seek out accountability buddies, get a pet, throw a party, attenda seminar or join a group, start a hobby, try something new.

All these things lead to your wellness journey, some things we have to work harder at than others. Somethings we can fix easily, some will take a lot more time. You’re going to have to step out of your comfort zones and not feel good about some of your work. Remember it’s a journey! There is no quick fix, no pills, no overnight success. You put the work in and you get the results. A journey is also a lifetime, so it’s always a work in progress. Small changes lead to big results! If you fall down or get discouraged you get back up, dust yourself off and start again the next morning or the next. And always give yourself grace.

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