Gardening: How to Start a Garden in 5 Simple Steps
In this episode, Doreen gives her insight on how to stay happier more consistently and how to understand your priorities by reframing. She discusses how to move through grief and how she created an incredible community just for women who have lost a child.
Doreen: Retrain your Brain, Reframe your Priorities and Maintain Happiness
In this episode, Doreen gives her insight on how to stay happier more consistently and how to understand your priorities by reframing. She discusses how to move through grief and how she created an incredible community just for women who have lost a child.
Leah's: Live Life Through Movement, Celebrate Your Uniqueness and Living Vibrantly
In this episode, she discusses how to step into a movement lifestyle, how to celebrate your uniqueness and how to live life vibrantly.
Dr. Erin Fiero: The Art of Saying NO...
We all need a coach, an expert to guide us through the part of our lives that we want to work on, to hold us accountable and help us grow.
It's HERE!! The Inspire & Thrive Podcast is LIVE!!
It's finally here! I can't believe I am actually typing this! I have been working on this project for almost 9 months! It's been on my bucket list for a couple years now and it just wasn't the right time for me to do it. This summer I realized I wanted to do something other than have another Pilates or Health Podcast.
Beth McDonald: Losing 100 Pounds the Right Way, Learning through Failure and How it Embarked a New Career.
Weight loss... Ughh! For women, just saying the words, sets in doubt, dread, deprivation, anxiety and the fear of failing. But Beth McDonald is an amazing and inspiring example of how losing weight and caring for yourself doesn't have to leave you feeling that way.
Kelly Roberts - Healing with Pilates: The Benefits and How it's Changed the Lives of My Clients
On this solo episode, you'll learn a little of my story, how Pilates became my career and passion after it healed and transformed my body, even when I was told by doctors that surgery was my only option after a debilitating car accident.
Inspire and Thrive Trailer
Welcome to the Inspire & Thrive Podcast with Kelly Roberts. Listen to the trailer.