Collagen-Understanding the Hype
Collagen! What's all the Hype? Whew it is all the talk in the beauty and fitness world. I get asked all the time by my clients does it really work, how does it work, what products should I be taking, which ones are good, which are not so great. So I thought I would do a little post about all the hype on collagen and if it's something you should be incorporating into your daily regime.
What is Collagen?
What is collagen? In most collagens, the molecules are packed together to form long fibrils, it is a protein made up of amino acids found in the body, They give the skin, tendons and ligaments their strength and elasticity. It makes up anywhere from 25%-35% of the protein in your body. As we age it breaks down and you start to see the wrinkles show up, maybe small tears in and around the joints and muscles.
Ok so now you know what it is, why should you be taking it? Well, connective tissue is mostly made of collagen so that's your skin, tendons and ligaments, that's what is slowly breaking down. That's when you start to see injuries and when you wake up one morning and say I know that saggy skin wasn't there when I went to bed last night! So, by adding collagen to your daily regime it allows the body to begin to rebuild what has started to break down.
Collagen is resorbable. So, it means it can be broken down,reconverted and absorbed back into the body. Most collagen-based products onthe market come in a powder form and usually are produced from cows, pig ormarine life. It can also come in pillform or even has been sold as creams and lotions but it is highly unlikely thatyou are absorbing collagen through the skin because the molecules are too largeto absorb.
Collagen is incredible for wound healing, skinrevitalization (why most people take it) and it’s used in treatments forosteoarthritis to reduce pain symptoms and improve joint function. Amazingright?
So, what increases the break-down of collagen in the body?Over exposure of sunlight, smoking, over consumption of sugar, genetics, andthe aging process.
Some people worry about consuming products that have pig,cows, and sheep parts that are ground down in to powder and then you consumeit! Me included! So, there are things out there you can eat naturally thatstimulate your natural collagen production. Vitamin C is one of the biggestones! Eat more citrus, strawberries, peppers and broccoli. Consume more VitaminA, copper which you can find in shellfish and nuts, Anthocyanidins found incherries and all the berries. Egg whites are also another stimulator ofcollagen, just try to get local and farm raised.
If you’d rather take collagen as a supplement. Here are theones I recommend!
HUM- Collagen-You can take 2-3 capsules a day. Usethis code for $10 off 1A055C
Vital Proteins-They have so many to choose from with an array of flavors. These come in powderform you just add them to water or any type of beverage.
Beauty Chef- Themake an amazing plant based collagen that you just add to a beverage. Iactually use this one often too!
Want more information on Vitamins and Supplements? Check outour other post!